Clients & Projects

As part of our outreach work we conducted CPD for 50 teachers at Chennai, India in March 2014. This four days CPD workshop “Teaching 21st Century Learners” was conducted for the teachers of Sri Sankara Senior School and Sri Sankara Matriculation School.
The CPD workshop was designed to encourage creativity in teaching the existing curriculum, embed ICT in everyday lessons and implement cross-curricular ICT. The CPD workshop was very well received by both the schools and they are planning to implement some of the techniques demonstrated during the sessions in the next academic year.

We conducted Mobile App Development CPD for teachers of ACS Egham in February 2014. This three day CPD program was designed to train the teachers in latest industry standard App development techniques using HTML 5 and CSS 3. The sessions were designed to interest teachers into incorporating app development into their everyday teaching and learning at the school.
ACS Egham, which is an Apple school, is planning to integrate App development into their IB and IBCC curriculum from the next academic year. The training was designed to instil confidence in the teachers to teach App development as part of the curriculum.

We organised two competition as part of Big Bang Near Me event held at Stanmore college on 8th of March 2013. The app development competition was an exciting opportunity for 13-18 year old participants to learn the basics of app development and showcase their ideas to the industry and public. Successful participants won exciting prizes from Capgemini, Serif and other industry sponsors.
Stop motion animation competition was another competition we organised for primary school children to learn the basics of animation. Pupils learnt how to produce a short animation using Stop Motion Animation and everyday objects. The winners showcased their work to the visitors during the Big Bang Fair. You can view some of the participants work using this link.

We successfully conducted Mobile App Development workshop with huge success on 7th and 8th of June 2012 at London Academy. The course was funded by Barnet. 15 students of varying ages (i.e. age 11-19) from across the borough took part in a 8 hours intensive workshop to learn and develop the skills to become budding App Developers of the future.
We also conducted Stop Motion Animation and Photography workshops in association with Whitefield School on 7th and 8th of June funded by Barnet.

We conducted CPD training for ICT staff at Claremont school in game programming using Greenfoot. This program involved us developing exemplar content based on exam board scenario for teachers to teach Greenfoot to GCSE students.

We conduct astronomy shows at various educational institutions with our portable planetarium dome, Meade telescope etc. Our partner BFI provides us with various content for the show.

We conducted an ICT departmental health check to identify underlying issues in the department and streamline teaching and learning at the school. We identified staff development and CPD training requirements for the department for a full implementation of GCSE ICT across the school.

After the huge success of our Mobile app development and photography workshops on 7th and 8th of June 2012, Barnet decided to fund three courses for the Summer Academy with Subject Support Ltd. We conducted Photography, Website Design and Touch Screen Software design in association with London Academy in August 2012 funded by Barnet.